Tag Archives: web video

Why Successful Companies Are Looking Towards Internet Video and How You Can (And Should) Be One Of Them

10 Jun

The media industry is currently at a crossroads in its escalating emphasis on web based media content. The business model has begun to evolve, with consumers demanding access to a wide range of multimedia content concerning virtually every type of product or service.  Large-scale increases in internet usage has made web video the premiere advertising and marketing tool.  In a world of constantly evolving media, web video is critical to staying competitive. Companies big and small have begun to recognize the benefits of web video’s ability to engage mass audiences in an extremely cost-effective manner.

For the small business, web video virtually levels the playing field in its widespread accessibility and low production costs, making web videos the perfect and often essential alternative to older forms of advertising.

Sirk Productions is dedicated to keeping your company ahead of the curve by producing engaging and stimulating video content to propel your company’s website forward.

We gathered the following information to present your company with relevant, useful and concise data concerning the importance of Internet video.

How Large Companies Are Ensuring Security with Online Video

10 Jun

Big brands have realized the power of video for years and have utilized web video in order to enhance brand techniques and bring further consumer awareness of their product.

Larger brands have been experimenting with product driven series, such as Holiday Inn Express’ “Smart Show” and Southern Comfort’s music show, “Music Nights Presented by Soco” with MyDamnChannel.[1] Many large and successful companies have risen to the occasion and have shown their ability to evolve in the changing media market by utilizing new technology, such as web video, to their advantage.

The Zagat Guide, founded by Tim and Nina Zagat thirty years ago, continues to be enormously successful with the creation of Zagat.com in 1999. [2] Continuing their tradition of being ahead of the times, the subscription-based site now includes web video content, as well as traditional user-based content.  There are virtually limitless examples of how web video has improved branding for large corporations by creatively spurring interest of Internet users through web video.

In the case of companies such as Dove and its “Campaign for Real Beauty,” which combines traditional billboard and television advertising with a series of web films in order to change the perceptions women have about beauty ideals and Gatorade’s video campaign entitled “Mission G,” brought a never before seen, self-described combination of sports video entertainment and social networking, internet video has been taken to its absolute heights, resulting in media campaigns that have spurred activism and attracted widespread interest.

[1] Meoli, D (2009,March). Guide guy: a good meal and ten glasses of wine provided inspiration for accidental entrepreneur tim zagat. The New York Enterprise Report , 23-27

[2] Whitney, D (2008, Jan 5 ). Investment tip for ’09: branded video; web shows created by brands keep consumers coming back. Television Week , 28(1), 4.

Growth, Profit and Sustainability: How Small Businesses are Taking Advantage of Video and What You Need to Know!

10 Jun

Following the successful business model introduced by larger companies, small businesses have gravitated towards the use of internet video as a medium to attract consumers.  Internet videos have proven to be critical to small businesses in their efforts to stay competitive.  Smaller companies have experienced success by producing engaging video content with mass appeal to the Internet audience, allowing them to circumvent larger businesses’ ability to excel in more traditional forms of advertising due to economic inequalities.  Web video presents smaller businesses with ways to brand that they would otherwise not have access to.

Adagio Tea is launching a weekly web series concerning its variety of tea blends, creatively spurring interest among tea drinkers and non-tea drinkers alike as well as strengthening its brand.2 Even the smallest of businesses have been extremely successful in marketing their brand to consumers through the Internet.

Ace of Hearts BBQ Specialties in Kansas City receives calls from across the world praising their video-powered website that features a cowboy giving explanations and advice creating the illusion that the viewer is actually in the store.[1] This web content gives authenticity and personality to their product; something that people in far away places would otherwise not experience.  Examples of praises such as these given to small businesses who provide internet video is evidence of how web video can give any small product or service a competitive edge. Another example of this can be found in the real estate sector.  Real estate companies have improved the perceived value of a home by 6% just by using online video.  In this instance, the use of online video resulted in significant increases in profit margins-which is always a good thing.[2]

Internet video has also proven to be a successful springboard for initial investment as well.  Arin Crumley and Susan Buice documented their frustrations via webcast over their failure to get distribution for their movie, “Four Eyed Monsters.” After gaining a fan base, these web videos’ fan support led to the showing of the film in six cities.2 Regardless of the nature of the business, small business owners are learning everyday that Internet video has the power to heighten any product or service.

[1] Goforth, Alan. “Setting Strategy I Using video can give small businesses a bigger presence.” Kansas City Star 4 May 2009. <http://www.kansascity.com/business/story/1178413.html&gt;.

[2] Robertson, Mark R. “Online real estate videos increase perceived property values.” Reel Seo. 9 Sept. 2008. <http://www.reelseo.com/video-increases-realesate-values/&gt;.