Tag Archives: advertising

Why Successful Companies Are Looking Towards Internet Video and How You Can (And Should) Be One Of Them

10 Jun

The media industry is currently at a crossroads in its escalating emphasis on web based media content. The business model has begun to evolve, with consumers demanding access to a wide range of multimedia content concerning virtually every type of product or service.  Large-scale increases in internet usage has made web video the premiere advertising and marketing tool.  In a world of constantly evolving media, web video is critical to staying competitive. Companies big and small have begun to recognize the benefits of web video’s ability to engage mass audiences in an extremely cost-effective manner.

For the small business, web video virtually levels the playing field in its widespread accessibility and low production costs, making web videos the perfect and often essential alternative to older forms of advertising.

Sirk Productions is dedicated to keeping your company ahead of the curve by producing engaging and stimulating video content to propel your company’s website forward.

We gathered the following information to present your company with relevant, useful and concise data concerning the importance of Internet video.

Why Should You Choose Sirk?

10 Jun

Sirk Productions prides itself on providing specialized services in all aspects of visual media for over a decade. With a large and talented roster of producers, directors, editors and visual effects artists, Sirk has the ability to effectively guide companies through all stages of web video development. Our video products have served our customers in a variety of different fields including advertising, public relations, non-profits and education as well as in-house corporate videos.  Sirk is unique because of its diverse and talented staff as well as its carefully maintained relationships with the best in television and film. Sirk Productions offers its clients professionals with international production experience, a 3500 square-foot state-of-the-art post-production facility, and management with diverse backgrounds such as finance and public health/communications as well as solid relations with top advertising agencies and marketing consultants.  We look to promote profit growth and sustainability of our clients businesses.

Sirk is dedicated to providing clients with stimulating and relevant content, ensuring success by individually evaluating every project in terms of creativity, economic feasibility and marketing effectiveness. A number of outstanding companies have employed Sirk Services in developing internet video.

Sirk Productions also features an entertainment division that has produced critically acclaimed films and television programs.  Our experience producing original material has given us an intricate understanding of budgeting and the bottom line.  Our personal filmmaking techniques are incorporated into our clients’ projects every single time. Some of our more notable projects include the award winning film Anytown, USA, which had its national theatrical release in 2005 and international release in 2006.  Our latest feature documentary entitled “SEVERE CLEAR,” follows the journey of one marine during the 2003 invasion of Iraq.  We also produce, The Inside Reel, an awarding winning nationally broadcast television program that covers the film industry from behind the scenes.