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Why Successful Companies Are Looking Towards Internet Video and How You Can (And Should) Be One Of Them

10 Jun

The media industry is currently at a crossroads in its escalating emphasis on web based media content. The business model has begun to evolve, with consumers demanding access to a wide range of multimedia content concerning virtually every type of product or service.  Large-scale increases in internet usage has made web video the premiere advertising and marketing tool.  In a world of constantly evolving media, web video is critical to staying competitive. Companies big and small have begun to recognize the benefits of web video’s ability to engage mass audiences in an extremely cost-effective manner.

For the small business, web video virtually levels the playing field in its widespread accessibility and low production costs, making web videos the perfect and often essential alternative to older forms of advertising.

Sirk Productions is dedicated to keeping your company ahead of the curve by producing engaging and stimulating video content to propel your company’s website forward.

We gathered the following information to present your company with relevant, useful and concise data concerning the importance of Internet video.

Web-based Video: An Inevitability

10 Jun

There is no doubt that recent media trends reveal a move towards Internet video on the part of consumers and businesses alike and are projected only to escalate in the coming years.  The data simply does not lie. The industry is moving towards web-based video and no company can afford to be left behind.

Other Important Statistics to Consider…

10 Jun
  • US internet users spend an average of 86.8 minutes a day online, which is up from 82.4 minutes last year,1 indicating a clear shift in focus away from traditional media towards the internet.
  • 80 percent of online users watch Internet video,1 indicating that the majority of Internet users accept and enjoy internet video.
  • $1.4 billion in advertising was spent on online video in 2008 and it is projected that $4.3 billion will be spent on online video in 2011.1  It has become increasingly critical for companies to produce online video content to capture the attention of advertisers.
  • In February of 2008 there were 116 million viewers online watching a total of 6.3 billion videos.  Each viewer watched an average of 54.7 streaming videos, totaling 131 minutes of online video time.1
  • A third of users of magazine, newspaper and online-only news websites said they have searched for additional information after watching a video ad.1
  • 52 percent of online viewers who watched an online video advertisement visited a web site, searched for more information or visited a store to make a purchase.1

In short, there is a significant growing trend to the importance of using Internet video to create cohesive and powerful messages for your company. During this transitional period in the media industry, companies must appeal to new Internet-based business models that are looming on the horizon.  For it is clear that advertising dollars are being concentrated on the Internet.